When will the OET exam board release your test results and how do you access results?
OET Test Dates 2018
The Occupational English Test (OET) has one test per month. Book your test test at least a month ahead to be avoid disappointment.
Does the OET exam allow resits?
Here we discuss commonly asked questions regarding OET resits? Are they accepted? How much do they cost?
Which countries accept OET?
Looking to work in healthcare in the UK or Australia? Find out which organisations accept an OET qualification.
What do I need to apply for the OET exam
When you are ready to take the OET exam you will need to book your test on the official OET website. Find out more about how to do this.
OET Changes Announced For September 2018
The OET examination board has announced changes to the format of the OET exam. How will these changes impact students?
Download IELTS & OET 2018 Prospectus
Find out more about our 2018 online classes and how we are helping more and more people to pass their exams!
OET Speaking Practice Material
In today’s article we take a look at sample OET speaking questions to help you with your OET preparation.
OET now accepted in the UK for doctors
The General Medical Council has announced that as of February 08 2018 the OET exam will be accepted for doctors to work in the UK.
OET Test Preparation
Correct OET preparation is an essential part of passing the test quickly and gaining the qualification you need. Find out the top three tips.