24 Feb

OET Speaking Practice Material

Below are samples of the OET Speaking sub-test to aid you in your OET preparation.

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There are three sections in the OET speaking exam: the warm up exercise, roleplay one and roleplay two. Roleplays one and two will focus on different topics but are formatted in the same manner.

During the OET speaking exam, you will be expected to have two short five-minute conversations with an examiner on a health related topic. Today’s article will focus on OET questions for both doctors and nurses.


SETTING Emergency department
SITUATION An eighteen year old female with undiagnosed anorexia nervosa has presented to your emergency department with an abnormal heart rhythm caused by her poor nutrition. Cardiac treatment has stabilised her heart but she is still currently receiving a potassium infusion via a drip to prevent further such problems. Other than when she wants you to explain treatment to her, she is defensive and angry to communicate with and in denial that she has any kind of eating disorder or mental health issues.
  • Reassuringly answer her anxious questions about the intravenous drip being given to stabilise her electrolytes.
  • Tactfully ask her about her eating habits and food intake, emphasising your therapeutic aims for asking these questions.
  • Advise her very that a mental health doctor will come to see her soon and when she becomes angry about having to see a ‘doctor for crazy people’, try to persuade her of the importance of dealing with her mental health/eating issues to prevent such life threatening hospital admissions.


SETTING Suburban doctor’s clinic, 11pm
NURSE Doctor
SITUATION This parent has brought in his/her four-year-old child, Tom, who has been well, except for one day of mild rhinorrhoea. This evening he developed a cough that sounded ‘like a dog barking’. You diagnose mild croup. The parent is anxious about the information he/she is being presented with and is concerned about their child’s health
  • You explain the illness and that there is no treatment. 
  • You reassure the parent that it is common and usually harmless but give instructions as to when to seek immediate attention

What is your opinion of these OET speaking exam questions? What advice would you give to your fellow students? Leave a comment in the box below.

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