19 Feb

OET Test Preparation

Interested in getting your nursing pin in 2018? OET is the fastest way to gain the qualification that you need and prove your English ability. We discussed in our last article whether the OET exam was easier than IELTS, today we’ll look at OET Test Preparation.

How exactly can a student prepare for the test and what is required?

Take practice exams

The first tip is obvious but we find that many of our students haven’t taken practice exams. OET practice tests are an essential part of your learning experience. How else can you know whether you are improving?

Prepare for the test by taking tests throughout your studies. You should be constantly evaluating your progress, not only at the beginning your studies but throughout. Develop a habit of reviewing your work.

Get help

Learning with a teacher is the fastest way to pass the OET exam. Your teacher can highlight any areas of your knowledge which require work and will constantly push you to make improvement.

Consider hiring a teacher if you are looking to pass the test quickly and move on from the OET language test.

Practise away from OET

The skills that you acquire through OET preparation can be used in real-life circumstances. For example, speaking with a patient during the speaking exam is an every-day occurrence for nurses. You can use your current circumstances to help improve your skills. Why not start a conversation with a patient you are caring for in the nursing home to practice your speaking? Or read nursing literature (or any book for that matter) to improve your reading speed and comprehension. It doesn’t have to be OET related to help you!

Good luck with your OET preparation and remember to check our blog for the latest news and articles.

Save 15% on all OET courses.